Category Archives: Travel Inspirations

2012: My Year in Travel


I never expected that I could do so much, visit so many places, and learn so much through new experiences in a span of a year. If  I could eat, sleep, breathe…travel. I would. It’s something that I am very passionate about, besides the fulfillment of making little dendrites come to life in the small but highly capable and amazing brains of my beloved preschool children.

And last 2012, I have been truly blessed. In a nutshell, here are my life’s blessings for the past year, and I will always be grateful for all the travel opportunities that I have been given.

  1. Las Vegas, USA
  2. San Diego, USA
  3. Los Angeles, USA
  4. Big Bear, USA
  5. Pasadena, USA
  6. San Francisco, USA
  7. Hollywood, USA
  8. Disneyland Anaheim and California Adventure
  9. Universal Studios Hollywood
  10. National Museum, Manila
  11. Tagaytay, Philippines
  12. Baguio, Philippines
  13. Canyon Cove, Nasugbu, Philippines
  14. Tali Beach, Nasugbu, Philippines
  15. Temples of Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia
  16. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia
  17. Khao San Road, Thailand
  18. Chao Phraya River, Thailand
  19. Bangkok, Thailand
  20. Bangkok Temples, Thailand
  21. Chatuchak Weekend Market, Thailand
  22. Callao Cave,  Cagayan, Philippines
  23. Cape Engano, Cagayan, Philippines
  24. Palaui Island, Cagayan, Philippines
  25. Anguib Beach, Cagayan, Philippines
  26. Coco Grove, Laiya Batangas
  27. Thunderbird Poro Point, La Union
  28. Little Surfmaid, San Juan, La Union
  29. Lumiang and Sumaguing Cave, Sagada, Mountain Province, Philippines
  30. Kiltepan Peak, Sagada, Mountain Province, Philippines
  31. Echo Valley and Hanging Coffins, Sagada Mountain Province, Philippines
  32. Chinatown, Philippines
  33. Mount Pinatubo, Tarlac, Philippines

And for all these, I have the good Lord above to be thankful for! The world is indeed so beautiful, and I can’t wait to wander and rock the rest of my 2013!


Why I will always choose the Philippines


After seeing this video from the local news, I cried, I cried not because I am over reacting, but because I am just so blessed to be surrounded by so many beautiful destinations just right outside my doorstep (And I can’t wait to visit them all!)

The Philippines is truly more than the negative publicity that the international media projects towards it. It is home to the most unique and exquisite tourist destinations, pristine blue beaches, and unforgettable gastronomic encounters. And best of all, It is home to the warmest and brightest of people, the very asset of a nation.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of what you may want to expect in the Philippines.

A Boutique Airport for the Philippines!


Following the recent title of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Manila International Airport) as the worst airport in the world, a team composed of an architect, interior designer, and a furniture designer made a probono proposal to improve and restore the NAIA Terminal 1.

“A pro-bono proposal from Budji Layug, Royal Pineda and Kenneth Cobonpue in cooperation with the National Competitiveness Council of the Philippines.

It’s time someone did something about the worst airport in the world. So we made this design because we believe that no matter how beautiful our country is, our airports give the first and last impressions. This plan is relatively inexpensive and simple to adapt. The plan also involves renovating the interiors to allow faster flow of travelers between security, immigration and departure.

The first step has been done. Lets hope our government moves on this proposal quickly.”

And finally, the government allots 1 billion pesos to proceed with the face lift of an international airport seeking to redeem itself! It’s about time! Thank you Lord! I can’t wait for the actualization of this project!

3 Reasons to Travel While You’re Young


Precisely defines me! Let’s all travel while we’re young and with a spirit of youthfulness!

An Article by Jeff Goins

The other night, I had a conversation with a young woman who had a number of decisions ahead of her, one of which is whether she would go to grad school or travel the world.

I told her to travel. Hands down. No excuse. Just go.

Travel While You're YoungShe sighed.

“Yeah, but…”

Never were more fatal words spoken.

Yeah, but… what about debt?
Yeah, but… what about my job?
Yeah, but… what about my boyfriend (or dog or car or whatever)?

“Yeah, but…” is pernicious. Because it makes it sound like we have the best of intentions when really we are just too scared to do what we should.

It allows us to be cowards, while sounding noble.

Most people I know who waited to travel the world never did. Conversely, plenty of people who waited for grad school or a steady job and traveled still did those things — eventually.

Be careful of the yeah-but. The yeah-but will kill your dreams.

I was so stirred by this conversation that I shared it with a group of about thirty young adults last night, many of which are asking these very questions.

The life you’ve always wanted

When you get older, life seems to just sort of happen to you. Your youth is a time of total empowerment.

You get to do what you want. As you mature and gain new responsibilities, you have to be very intentional about making sure you don’t lose sight of what’s important.

So if you still have a reasonable amount of control over your circumstances, you should do what really matters. Because life won’t always be just about you.

During early adulthood, your worldview is still being formed. It’s important to steward this time — to give yourself opportunities to grow. A good way to do that is to travel.

So, young person, travel.

Travel wide and far.
Travel boldly.
Travel with full abandon.

You will regret few risks you take, when it comes to this. I promise you.

There are three reasons to travel while you’re young:

1. Traveling teaches you to live an adventure

When you look back on your life, you will have moments of which you are proud and maybe a few you regret. It’s likely that the following won’t be on the latter list:

  • Bicycled across the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Appeared on Italian TV.
  • Hiked a Mayan ruin.
  • Learned Spanish in three months.
  • Toured Europe by train.

They’re not on mine (fun fact: I’ve done all of the above)

What, then, will be?

  • Holding back.
  • Being afraid.
  • Making excuses.
  • Not taking more risks.
  • Waiting.

While you’re young, you should travel.

You should take the time to see the world and taste the fullness of life. It is worth whatever monetary investment or time sacrifice that is required on your part.

It’s not about being a tourist. It’s about learning the importance of experiencing true risk and adventure so that you don’t have to live in fear for the rest of your life.

2. Traveling helps you encounter compassion

In your youth, you will make choices that will define you. The disciplines you begin now will be with you for the rest of your life.

Traveling will change you like little else can. It will put you in places that will force you to care for issues that are bigger than you.

If you go to southeast Asia, you may encounter the slave trade. If eastern Europe, you may see the effects of genocide and religious persecution. If Haiti, you’ll witness the the ugly side Western paternalism.

Your heart will break.

You will begin to understand that the world is both a big and small place. You will have a newfound respect for the pain and suffering that over half of the world takes for granted on a daily basis. And you will feel more connected to your fellow human beings in a deep and lasting way.

You will learn to care.

3. Traveling allows you to get some culture

While you’re still young, you should get cultured. Get to know the world and the magnificent people that fill it.

There’s nothing quite like walking alongside the Coliseum or seeing Michelangelo’s David in person. I can describe the city of San Juan and its amazing beaches and historic sites to you, but you really have to see it for yourself to experience it. You can read all the books in the world about the Great Wall of China or The Louvre, but being there is a different story.

The world is a stunning place, full of outstanding works of art. See it.

Do this while you’re still young. Do not squander this time. You will never have it again.

You have a crucial opportunity to invest in the next season of your life now. Whatever you sow, you will eventually reap.

Please. For your sake, do this.

You won’t always be young. And life won’t always be just about you. So travel. Experience the world for all it’s worth. Become a person of culture, adventure, and compassion.

“What if I’m not young?”

Travel, anyway. It may not be easy to do, but find a way to get out of your comfort zone. It’s really never too late.

But if you haven’t gotten sucked into the routine of life yet, I implore you — travel. It will never be easier than it is right now for you to do that which really matters.

If you’re young, have you traveled yet? Have you seen what the world has to offer and how it can change you? What’s holding you back?

If you’re older, did you travel when you were young? What regrets do you have?

(Jeff Goins. 3 Reasons to Travel While You’re Young.

Beach-Bumming Essentials Checklist


Following my cancelled trip to Bangkok, Thailand and Siem Reap, Cambodia, we just rerouted our plane ticket to a domestic destination. We’ll just visit Bangkok and Cambodia when it’s meant for us already. At the end of the day, it’s always great to come home to the Philippines and marvel at the most beautiful islands of the Philippines, Coron in Palawan.

I happened to stumble upon this feature on a magazine, and for girls like me, this checklist will especially be helpful in preparing for an upcoming beach escapade.

Packing Cheat Sheet I got from a magazine article

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My Birthday Wish List


In less than a month, I shall be turning 23.

My birthday is coming up and this is the first time ever in my life that I made a wishlist for my birthday (well, technically, first time ever!!!) I am not in any way materialistic, but I somehow had a piling up of several “to-buys” in my planner.  But since I have gotten into the addiction that I call traveling, I managed to yearn for some traveling essentials that may be of use to me in my trips. This would motivate me to become extra frugal, so that in a way, I could get to buy extra travel essentials with my savings. In no particular order:

1. Dicapac for Canon

Dicapac w-310

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Super Typhoon versus the Long Weekend


The Philippines is a tropical country, therefore, it experiences two kinds of seasons for the whole year– wet season and dry season. For this reason, most travel plans are usually set in the dry months, January to May and the wet months of June-September are usually a period of hibernation for travel. But for me, I still consider August a good month for travel, even if it is occasionally visited by several typhoons. Being used to tropical disturbances like typhoons, I thought that it was alright to plan a trip as I was capitalizing on the long weekend coming up.

I managed to book two airline tickets to different destinations for the month of August. The weekend of 20-22 August was intended for a trip to Dumaguete and Siquijor, while the long weekend of 27-30 August was planned for a trip to the Cagayan Valley. And both of the trips did not push through. I was not able to push through with Dumaguete due to conflict with work schedule– which I very well understood and openly accepted. However, I had a very heart accepting the fact  that I won’t be able to go to Cagayan Valley anymore for the long weekend because of the recently announced arrival of the super typhoon.

As I am writing this, the Philippines is currently being perturbed by a great tropical disturbance, Super Typhoon Mina (International Name: Nanmadol), and I cannot help but express my intense sadness (more like depression) about my botched trip to the Cagayan Valley. More so for the people who will be affected by the forthcoming typhoon. There’s an intense emphasis on the keyword SUPER TYPHOON. Hence, all trips towards the Northern Luzon are discouraged and all residents in the said area are cautioned to move to safer ground.

Clearly, we cannot fly to Cagayan Valley, because it's under Category 5

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Move, Eat, Learn!


Let us not forget the simple joys of everyday living. These simple things help us learn natural virtues and make us grow as beautiful persons and living witnesses of the world!




Move, Eat, and Learn reminds us about the simple joys that makes us human. MOVE defies monotony as we constantly pursue change. EAT celebrates the world’s different cultures on how same ingredients are cooked differently and enjoyed differently relative to the culture of its people. LEARN gives better meaning to our everyday experiences as we get defined by new experiences, new situations, new circumstances, and new friends. All these are essentially experienced in our beautiful classroom, the world, we define our existence as humans. 🙂